We are Katrina survivors. We are women of color and white women. We are Palestinian and we are Jewish. We are anti-war activists and labor organizers. We are college professors and students; poets and performance artists; janitors and office workers. Our people come from many countries, and many are landless. We make films, write books, and walk picket lines. We build and support organizations and one another. We belong to hundreds of groups, committees and community-based institutions. We are lesbians and non-lesbians, elders and youth. We are angry and we are hopeful. Some of us are mothers, all of us are daughters, Ellas’ Daughters.
Veronica Precious Bohanan - Kristin Millikan - Sherie Randolph - Ann Russo - Barbara Ransby - Lisa Yun Lee - Tracye Matthews - Cathy J. Cohen - Ainsley Lesure - Elizabeth Todd - Latoya Stampley -Darlene Nava Munoz -Miryam Rashid -Leena Odeh - Beth E. Richie - Bernardine Dohrn - Marta Ayala - Alexandra Navedo - Aisha Truss - Summer R. Coleman - Yvette D. Hyter - Jane M. Saks - Christ H. Ketchum - Lynette Jackson - Leah Hodges - Mokerah Bradley - Linda Hillman - Inhe Choi - Premilla Nadasen - Camille Odeh - Jennifer Bing-Canar - Sussan Navabi - Rupal Soni - Chikamnario Ugbaja - Jenine Wehbeh - Corina Pedraza Palominos - Alexandra Moffet-Bateau - Dara Cooper - Indian Summer Day - Catherine Chandler - Wisdom Baty - Fallon Wilson - Maria Flanagan - Martha Biondi - Zorayda Ortiz